Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Elaine Bleakney

Recent books by Carla Harryman include the prose diptych W—/M—forthcoming from Split Level Press in 2013, a collection of experimental and conceptual essays Adorno’s Noise (Essay Press 2008), Baby (Adventures in Poetry, 2005), Gardener of Stars: A Novel (Atelos, 2001), The Wide Road (Belladonna, 2011, with Lyn Hejinian) and a sequence of essays in The Grand Piano, a multi-authored ten volume work about art and culture in the San Francisco Bay Area between 1975-1980, (Mode D, 2011). Her Poets Theater, interdisciplinary, and bi-lingual performances have been presented nationally and internationally. Recent work in performance includes the “re-performance” of Theodore Adorno’s 1959 lecture “Music and New Music” at dOCUMENTA 13 in Kassel, Germany (2012) and the publication of Open Box, a music and poetry collaboration with composer Jon Raskin (Tzadik, 2012), which draws from her long-poem Open Box (Belladonna, 2007). She is co-editor of Lust for Life: On the Writings of Kathy Acker (2006), and the editor of Non/Narrative a special issue of the Journal of Narrative Theory (2011). She serves as Associate Professor of English and Coordinator of Creative Writing at Eastern Michigan University.