Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Eve Andrée Laramée

Eve Andrée Laramée is currently a Professor and Chair of the Department of Art at Pace University in New York City. Laramée is an ecological artist working at the confluence of art and science. She has exhibited throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, including amongst other institutions, the Venice Biennale, Mass MOCA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York. Her work is included in the collections of the MacArthur Foundation, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University. Laramee’s research investigates the impact of nuclear power and fossil fuels on ecosystems, climate and human health. Current projects focus on the problem of radioactive waste which persists throughout geological time. Sources are uranium mining, nuclear weapons and energy production/decommissioning, and nuclear accidents. She has collaborates with physicists, hydrologists, geologists, biogeographers, and ecologists. Her art-and-science projects catalyze positive social change by promoting an awareness of environmental health issues and by directly involving communities. The outcomes share innovative thinking, extending the ways in which cultures imagine, create and understand.