Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Raúl Zurita

Raúl Zurita’s books of poems include, among others: Purgatorio (1979), Anteparaíso (1982), El paraíso está vacío (1984), Canto a su amor desaparecido (1985), La vida nueva (1994), Poemas militantes (2000), INRI (2003), Los Países muertos (2006), Las Ciudades de Agua (2007), In Memoriam (2007), Cuadernos de guerra (2009), Sueños para Kurosawa (2010), and Zurita (2011). Translations to English include Purgatory, Anteparadaise, INRI, Song for His Disappeared Love, Dreams for Kurasawa, and The Country of Planks. His numerous awards include the National Literature Prize of Chile; and the Pablo Neruda Prize. He lives in Santiago, Chile, where he is a professor of literature at Universidad Diego Portales.