Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Sueyeun Juliette Lee

A 2013 Pew Fellow in the Arts for Literature, Sueyeun Juliette Lee's third book of poems, Solar Maximum, is forthcoming from Futurepoem Books in 2015. She lives in Philadelphia, where she edits Corollary Press, a chapbook series devoted to innovative multi-ethnic writing. She teaches creative writing classes at the University of the Arts and at Richard Stockton College, and will be traveling to Norway and Iceland for international arts residencies. Her essays appear in critical collections from the University of Iowa Press, Kelsey Street Press, and Nightboat Editions, among others. She currently writes commentaries for the online poetics journal, Jacket2, and poetry reviews for The Constant Critic. She has held fellowships at the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought as well as the Center for Humanities at Temple University. You can find her at silentbroadcast.com.