Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Thom Donovan

Thom Donovan is the author of The Hole (Displaced Press, 2012) and Withdrawn (Compline, 2015). He is the co-editor and publisher of ON Contemporary Practice, an online journal and print monograph series for critical writings about one’s contemporaries. From 2010-2012 he edited the column “5 Questions for Contemporary Practice” at Art21 blog. Recently he edited Supple Science: a Robert Kocik Primer (with Michael Cross; ON Contemporary Practice Monograph Series, fall 2013) and To Look At The Sea Is To Become What One Is: An Etel Adnan Reader (with Brandon Shimoda; Nightboat Books, 2014). Since 2006 he has edited the weblog Wild Horses of Fire (whof.blogspot.com).