Wilson Bueno was born in 1949 in Jaguapita, in the state of Paraná in Brazil, and died in unfortunate circumstances in his home in Curitiba in June, 2010. He was one of Brazil’s most influential and beloved contemporary authors, with several of his titles deemed essential to modern Brazilian literature: Bolero’s Bar (1986), Manual de Zoofilia (1991), Cristal (1995), Pequeño Tratado de Brinquedos (1996), Jardim Zoológico (1999), A Cavalo (2000), Amar-te a ti nem sei se com Carícias (2004) and Cachorros do Céu (2005). Bueno’s book Mar Paraguayo (1992) is a special case, the single work by Bueno written in an admixture of three languages: Portuguese and Spanish (known as Portunhol or Portuñol) and Guaraní. Mar Paraguayo has travelled across the Americas. The first edition appeared from Iluminuras, Brazil, in 1992 with a prologue by the late Néstor Perlongher. It was republished in Chile by Intemperie in 2001, and by Tse-Tsé, Argentina, in 2005 with apostface by Andrés Ajens; more recently, it was republished by Bonobos, Mexico, in 2006. In 2009, extracts translated into Frenglish/Mohawk by Montreal poet and translator Erín Moure appeared in England and the USA in the Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry edited by Cecilia Vicuña and Ernesto Livon-Grosman. Wilson Bueno’s work is vastly admired as well by the many multilingual mixtural South American poets a generation younger, not really a “movement,” but known collectively as Yopará, or mixturated, poets. It was Bueno’s desire that Moure translate the whole book so it could journey in the north of the Americas as Paraguayan Sea.