Evening Will Come

Issue 48 | December 2014

The Force of What’s Possible, Part III

image of Joshua Marie Wilkinson image of Lily Hoang

Introduction to The Force of What’s Possible Issues

image of Renée E. D’Aoust

Renée E. D’Aoust | Mosh Pit Umwelt

image of Jeffrey DeShell

Jeffrey DeShell | Notes toward a defense of experimental writing

image of Gretchen E. Henderson

Gretchen E. Henderson | A Problem of Shape: (in) Accessibility

image of Tim Horvath

Tim Horvath | Avante-Garde Mandate

image of Catherine Kasper

Catherine Kasper | Fifteen Ways of Looking at Why I Write

image of Michael Jeffrey Lee

Michael Jeffrey Lee | Some Bad Feelings

image of Stephen-Paul Martin

Stephen-Paul Martin | Gavrilo Princip A.K.A. “Gavrilo Prinicp”

image of Michael Mejia

Michael Mejia | The Way In

image of Doug Nufer

Doug Nufer | Quo Status Quo

image of William Todd Seabrook

William Todd Seabrook | There Is Nothing to Get

image of Ben Segal

Ben Segal | The Avant Garde and the Image of the Work

image of Anna Joy Springer

Anna Joy Springer | If I Touch It

image of J. A. Tyler

J. A. Tyler | We Are Alright

image of Sam Witt

Sam Witt | Reconnaissance Poetry: Against the Manifesto

image of Changming Yuan

Changming Yuan | Die in Poetry, Or Live Forever