Evening Will Come

Issue 49 | January 2015

image of Besmilr Brigham

besmilr brigham with coati
Nayarit, Mexico circa 1957

Besmilr Brigham
from the unpublished manuscripts of besmilr brigham
selected by Robert Yerachmiel Snyderman

image of Robert Yerachmiel Snyderman

Robert Yerachmiel Snyderman
Pre-Face: “what do we fear/losing the things a man loves/shelter”


Padre Mia

As Tourists, We Move in Extrovert Reality

Blue Toro

The Wakening

A Father run off from his Family

We Will Not Burn our Trash-brush Piles this Year

Country People: House of the Earth

The un-reconstructed Altar place at Tajin

Crossing the Violent Land: Camino del Diablo

November in Jalisco

The old house is now Surrounded by Trees

Beauty Is

Notes for Anne

1972 Library of Congress Recording Session

