Evening Will Come

Issue 53 | May 2015

Canadian Feature

image of rob mclennan

rob mclennan | Introducton

image of derek beaulieu

derek beaulieu | Another Piece of Reassuring Plastic

image of Amanda Earl

Amanda Earl | Trial by Social Media, Little Brother and Thought Control: a statement of poetics

image of Helen Hajnoczky

Helen Hajnoczky | Statement of Poetics

image of Peter Jaeger

Peter Jaeger | Poetics with Examples

image of Gil McElroy

Gil McElroy | Sometimes I wonder what came first: My love of language, or my need to hide behind it?

image of Erín Moure

Erín Moure | Forma Vitae

image of Nikki Reimer

Nikki Reimer | Slash and burn: a poetics of failure

image of Natalie Simpson

Natalie Simpson | The mechanics of thrum

image of lary timewell

lary timewell | spooky action at a distance (or, a conceptual graffiti: “quantum rules ok”)