Nathanaël |
The tautological fury of a disconsolate mind
(the present, dear friend, is there a present,
is it ever now?)

für John Beer, Philosoph

photograph by RY King

...nomme ici la philosophie : c’est l’anticipation soucieuse de la mort, le soin à apporter au mourir, la méditation sur la meilleure façon de recevoir, de donner ou de se donner la mort, l’expérience d’une veille de la mort possible, et de la mort possible comme impossibilité ; — Jacques Derrida

...explicitly names philosophy : it is the attentive anticipation of death, the care brought to bear upon dying, the meditation on the best way to receive, give, or give oneself death, the experience of a vigil over the possibility of death, and over the possibility of death as impossibility. — Jacques Derrida (tr. David Wills)

, that I have given (to) the form of an injunction : nomme ici la philosophie. Name it. Stripped of its nominative clause, handed to the immediate demand, the sentence, hanged. Thus curtailed, philosophy’s demonstrations are plied, executed, as it were, by a syntactical constriction. Already I am in the wrong, having wronged (a language). The English makes clear indication of my misdemeanour, disallowing the syncope that thwarted my initial reading. (I did not read the English translation, I referred to it). In the way that an unmemorable inscription – To the memory of – recently yielded the fantastical distortion, – too much memory – (a visual occlusion), the early moment of Derrida’s sentence

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