Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics (Issue 26, February 2013—Tribute to Jake Adam York)

Noah Eli Gordon
Tribute to Jake Adam York | Introduction

As a poet, educator, and culture worker, the breadth of those who were—and continue to be—touched by Jake Adam York is astonishing. Here, you’ll find a small sampling of that scope, of the range, the inclusively broad embrace of York’s spirit and those touched by it. From the moving eulogy given by his brother Joe York to a previously unpublished, in-depth interview conducted by Shira Richman, through remembrances by former students, peers, and friends, to poems by both well-established writers and those whose very first publications are contained here, we at The Volta hope this small selection might, in the words of York, a man who so lovingly and diligently dedicated his lifework to the elegiac: “suggest the necessary continuity and perpetuity of the work of memory.” We remember you Jake Adam York.