Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics (NSFW—Issue 45, September 2014)

Ji yoon Lee


Not safe for work not for sale not safe for naked eyes please wear goggle for the water sports wow you’re a sport what a sport let me join in for a commentary

my dear fabric softener, soften my tongue for the pink apocalypse. my dear necromancer, reload my tendency to bite anything that is pink and floppy. dead tissues are sexy because they are always shedding anal bleaching is not a striptease— and the shed in your back yard contains all the power tools, all ready to powerwash my gutter…

I promise on my broken legs, sawn off jaw, taped up eyelids

I swear on my dead mother’s tampons

that my irrelevant respirations

my omnipotent viagra simulations

are only here to please you

my pirate costumes are sexy bc eye cavities are so in…

My gag reflex says honey

but I hardly know her

Now that’s money

but my moneymaker’s a mush

my tush is a moot

BP didn’t drill shit DP didn’t do shit

Junkshot is not the same thing as your dick pic

and my selfie hasn’t even loaded but you’ve already cum

I’m locked and loaded, sista

Just swallow the sawed off barrel

I just need pepsi to wash it all down

so call me baby

one more time

Saved by Pennysaver

My face can be moisturized


my soul can afford the double nourishment

from front and back

catch them all

my dear pocket monsters

why do we have to call them

pokemon here

that’s not even a word

Word, that’s what you said

but I am not sure if bird is the word

Bird, that’s what she said

but I am not sure where bees fit into the picture

i am afraid of the internet

and i am dead


my insurance expired

and my internet fairy let me know

my email account expired

my internet fairy warned me before

my facebook account is dead

but i am not dead yet

forever 21 is forever

and their sewer is pink forever

when I post racy pictures

on facebook

When I write terrible little poems

on facebook

I don’t want to be liked

I don’t like

the little like button



like my dirty pussy

who wears short shorts

i wear short shorts

& write shitty poems