(After Tomaž Šalamun)
Tom Hunley is one of the wild things
from Where the Wild Things Are.
Tom Hunley is the home run ball
people bite each other over in the cheap seats.
His favorite time of day is twilight, of course,
when everything is happening. Other people
and I, we pat him on the back when he walks by.
We buy him drinks. Why not? The world
is getting heavy with so many people
eating so many Big Macs, and sometimes
Tom Hunley acts like Atlas said
“Hold this” and then “Sucka!”
It used to be he could fly, they say,
but ex-girlfriends and other detractors
plucked his wings and showed them to him.
It used to be he could see, too, but
ex-girlfriends and other detractors plucked
his eyes, and for a second, he swears,
he could see himself perfectly.
This is all figurative, of course.
Tom Hunley taught that distinction
and so many others
to me and to so many others.
I’ve been following Tom Hunley on Twitter.
Today he’s in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Next week, maybe Fairmont, Minnesota,
City of Lakes. You can waterski there,
or snowmobile, and don’t forget your fishing pole!
says Randy Quiring, Mayor. Next week
Tom Hunley and his sons plan to fly
a box kite in Fairmont, Minnesota,
and it will be big news there,
the wildest thing to hit Fairmont, Minnesota
since the grasshopper infestation of 1873.