Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics (Expanded Poetics Feature—Issue 62, March 2016)

Kaie Kellough
Two Sound Recordings

dedication to a tan nation

Vocal:Kaie Kellough
Contrebasse:Martin Heslop
Drums:Devin Brahja Waldman
Recorded:The Treatment Room, Montréal
Recording/Mixing:Tyler Fitzmaurice
Mastering:Dimitri Condax
Design:Nazik Dakkach
Album:Creole Continuum, HOWL! Records, 2014

Note:This piece is based on an anagram made using the word “dedication.” We patterned our approach on speech, on how speech touches upon cadences but never sustains a regular meter. The work was made to reference popular genres of music, like rap, but in a way that skewed the delivery and undercut the idea of a straight-ahead rhythm. Instead of locking into a rhythm, we attempted to work around one-another, allowing the pace and the cadence to shift and explore its irregularities.


Vocal:Kaie Kellough
Vocal:Kim Zombik
Contrebasse:Martin Heslop
Baritone Saxophone:Jason Sharp
Piano:Ted Strauss
Drums:Devin Waldman
Recorded:The Treatment Room, Montréal
Recording/Mixing:Tyler Fitzmaurice
Mastering:Dimitri Condax
Design:Nazik Dakkach
Album:Creole Continuum, HOWL! Records, 2014

Note:This work was part of a sequence of improvised noise recordings. We approached these works with the sole idea of having every voice speak at once, as a way of expressing the cacophony and contest of language, but also as a way of articulating the noisome energies that underlie coherent utterance.