The Volta: Friday Feature

Best Books of 2012
Joshua Marie Wilkinson

image of The Collected Writings of Joe Brainard

The Collected Writings of Joe Brainard. Library of America.

image of Green Is For World

Juliana Leslie. Green Is For World. Coffee House Press.

image of Ian Hamilton Finlay: Selections

Ian Hamilton Finlay: Selections. Alec Finlay, Ed. University of California Press.

image of The Lust of Unsentimental Waters

Rosa Alcalá. The Lust of Unsentimental Waters. Shearsman Books.

image of Half of What They Carried Flew Away

Andrea Rexilius. Half of What They Carried Flew Away. Letter Machine Editions.

image of Engine Empire

Cathy Park Hong. Engine Empire. W. W. Norton.

image of Bunting’s Persia

Basil Bunting. Bunting’s Persia. Flood Editions.

image of This Can’t Be Life

Dana Ward. This Can’t Be Life. Edge Books.

image of Partially Kept

Martha Ronk. Partially Kept. Nightboat Books.

image of Everywhere Here and in Brooklyn

Rodney Phillips. Exit Moonshine, Enter Wall. Chax Press.

image of Nervous Device

Catherine Wagner. Nervous Device. City Lights.

image of The Explosions

Mathias Svalina. The Explosions. Subito Press.

image of In Time’s Rift

Ernst Meister. In Time’s Rift. Translated from German by Graham Foust and Samuel Frederick. Wave Books.

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Joshua Marie Wilkinson's new book is Swamp Isthmus (Black Ocean 2013). He lives in Tucson and is the editor of The Volta.