Heir Apparent: Bio
image of Hillary Gravendyk

Hillary Gravendyk (1979-2014) was an Assistant Professor of English at Pomona College in Claremont, CA and a native of Washington State. Her poetry has appeared in journals such as American Letters & Commentary, The Bellingham Review, The Colorado Review, The Eleventh Muse, Fourteen Hills, MARY, 1913: A Journal of Forms, Octopus Magazine, Tarpaulin Sky and most recently Sugar House Review. Her chapbook, The Naturalist, was published by Achiote Press in 2008 and her full-length collection Harm, came out from Omnidawn in 2012. She was awarded a 2015 Pushcart Prize for her poem “Your Ghost” in May 2014. She leaves behind many devoted colleagues, friends, family and beautiful poems.