Heir Apparent: Bio
image of Purdey Lord Kreiden Thomas Taren

Purdey Lord Kreiden Thomas Taren was into his mention of a Danish sea. She is the author of CHILDREN OF THE BAD HOUR, (Ugly Duckling Presse) ROSEBUD (Jerkpoet, Fall 2015), and SCOLOPENDRUM (Action Books, Spring 2016). She is the muse of the painter-poet Louie Otesanek, who draws heads. She is the co-translator of Tony Duvert’s ATLANTIC ISLAND (Semiotext(e), Fall 2015) and MATED, by Joris-Karl Huysmans (Wakefield Press, Fall 2016) along with Michael Thomas Taren Lord Kreiden. They are currently working on a free verse translation of the complete poems of Leconte de Lisle. Their video works can be seen at their youtube channel. They can usually be found feasting in one of the nights of the 101001 nights. Together they are Daphne Augustus and David Lindsay’s shepards.