Heir Apparent

Issue #48 October 2019

the odor of snow | Phillip Foss

the river-cobble wall is a method of ascribing

value to the trajectory of moonlight beyond the glass

only iterations of force or a whirlwind of energy named

names to draw limits to its confusion yellow–

winged blackbird lavender bee–plant rufus

hummingbird: these are sounds you are

the articulate carapace stuttering in the coals while

arctic wind gessos the mountains

on hands and knees you stare at rain drops reflecting

moon because cicadas are singing the sound of tectonic plates

sliding windless dawn stem of yellow–flowered groundsel vibrates audibly

harmonic or sentience corvis comments that the brown sparrows

perched on the rope are dried leaves of a climbing vine the premise

of ornithology is the say xylophone apparently incongruous

other than decibels to call the music of stars or plumage

displayed say red pinions say blue tail then color or you

were describing the sound of struck metal or the way a bird can say

there is a vertical line where memory

and sentience separate this is a musical

note exaggerated attended by a mind unworded

in thought the way the skin of a woman

is the emission of light when musical sound

leaves symbolic representation sound is two

meanings neither merely a mockingbird

a sitar ratchets off worlds that do not mean

harmonies or the two dimples above the buttocks

are articulate on the notion of ecstatic music

there is a cricket singing beneath the metal pot it is

a xylophone a memory of bronze

so no willow self mind is aspen then white

is where you found anemones pulsating in tide pools

this dispenses knowing of knowledge the way

blood accelerates through the body at the thought

of being dead feathers flutter from flocks of migrating

south birds you name you

observer of your perceptions like the concept of you can see

your hand covering winter sun in its early setting

dissolution drives fecundity of the world to know

to unknown: you stop on a mental image say a leaf orange

with green veins and you prevent it falling to litter

and dissolution of unity or your cognition

finds cello seeping into your chest this is hearing

as when you open your mouth to speak the sands

of sediment taste like lime: this can be described as the way

light articulates its idea of image through eye as a way of laughing

white bark becomes pictograph declaring emotion while

white geese are declarations of sky roses and the white snow

is a disguise where nothing is seen in this seeing through any gap

in memory where sky is always blue and the sky is nevertheless blue

and there is always a gap between cliffs where one sees

the future as merely banal artifacts of living strewn

along the shore of a blue lake in some country that never

existed as either bone awl stone pestle or necklace bead of blue

stone to force

blind wrong mind

nothing matters the deceit folly caress

of sublime all merely a dropped pot its mica

reflecting in a pine woods for a thousand

years brushed by birds’ voices or breath

of inland sea

hands smell of spruce sap

and you perceive a violent blizzard approaching

down the river basin unclothed by name or word

this version occurs beneath the milky way

crazed wall slipped with clay is not a wall

but a green tea cup set vertically you can hear yourself

if you talk into it stories of mountains of mist

and granite and beautiful wraiths who beckon you in languages

barbarian and bodhidharma’s wall was the same concave

mirror to reflect his seeing nothing or merely thought: if he moved

with his right his left responded; if he thought

with his left his right galloped so much to accumulate

to hoard: acres of air miles

of light sheets of falling laughter

earthen house on billion year old continent floats

west toward the pacific sans

sail sans compass no pilot I but victim of magnetics solar

flares oscillating poles where clouds are a series of striations muscle

moving contra my sailing meaning earth and sky drift contra

meaning water comes from the west dying sails toward the sea

this happened before continuing to happen I remember the prairie

described as a sea floating west you remember the grasses

gestured toward the east yet if you move too far west it is east or the soul

shuttles on magma west into night