Heir Apparent

Issue #49 April 2020

A Construction | Pam Rehm

         —for Keith Waldrop

A relationship is the

flux that binds

the tentative directions

the mind pulls together

An adept sense

at finding other



A man casts off his knowledge

as he casts off

his calendar body

A worn bargaining

The underneath mind

grows more and more


By liminal attachments

By a self-gathered credo

as the remedial force

The poet is transfixed by

what is not


Beneath notice

An internal dialogue

Ecstasy or torture?

In the beginning

A gamble

Wisdom or desire?

Crossing a commons

The snow at twilight

These silences written

within the mind

imposter gods

Take account

You are your own


The Trembling Balance

Life is various. But

disastrous in its fusion

of sadness with vitality.

Yearnings are dear enough, then,

the “I” finds itself thwarted

by the vicissitudes of loss.

Like a name drawn in sand

an alliance has gone missing.

Now ghosts haunt the kitchen

like fragments of memory

walking backward

into a photograph. Where

life commemorated life.

Slow steps remain. The

ideal toward. Kindred with

bluebells. A bird–soul. Trembling.

Giving Up Reason

It happens like this:


the pigeons spill down

a few steps away

on a hot summer’s day

on Broadway

Jostling one another

All the dust, and the mess

I’ve become


by unevenness

Within the days

Between the hours

All the dollars I’ve spent

on a life out of balance

when there’s all this

cosmic consciousness

within a kiss

and the I AM

that haunts the hand

in my pocket

searching for the key


All those mistakes ago

Like everyone else,

I feed them

a few cents of bread

but it’s the thirst

no one thinks about

It’s from this thirsting

That I look out

A co-presence

of moments

blurring the window’s


All the pigeons

All the dust

And this constant

I am


Always, just

a few steps away

The Small Gate

How do you register

a life

gone out

Nothing properly ends

but is re-destined

Rudiments of encounter

then parting

Always en route

to refinement

One becomes less and less


by living

By the days before one

By what time remains

between time

and its end

The body is

a conduit

And grace

its divine distillation