Heir Apparent

Issue #49 April 2020

notes from the understory (level 14) | Rusty Morrison

such that a teen looks hard then looks away as I board the train

I dedicate his industry to indifference

manufacturing chaos

the traincar speeding away is a cell–wall between him & me

more porous than I’d believed

my mirror cracks along predestined but undetectable faults as such

I cut my finger tracing pattern practicing what I can’t incorporate

as lessons as sounds my ear didn’t know it heard will

nonetheless be reflected in my changing cursive

the sudden worthlessness of deciphering syllables

notes from the understory (level x2)

such that at the plane window’s thick beveled edge

clouds and the few houses

far beneath them

snap into existence at the same instant

in unison defying my belief in solidity & making me aware

of how I depend on it for image–construction as such

I wait to see if the next words I type will choose

either to abandon my sense of the real

or be abandoned by it as I snap

into existence then out again

notes from the understory (level x3)

such that my car’s radio nets for me a song I’ve never heard

riffing versions of a private nickname I suddenly discern

is shame

making mine bearable

if I sing along loud with the window down I’ll find it

is directly overhead an airliner that’s descending too fast as such

in one of its window–seats I await a surgery

that isn’t warranted

along with other children who think this is valor

this makes us adults

notes from the understory (level x7)

such that I send an email to my friend

but nothing I’d typed into it is in my outbox when I look

only what language wrote

yet even in that door–less inscrutability

I find wild flowers growing past cliché right through

cracked floor boards I hadn’t noticed as such

always variations on the meanings of what I’d thought inescapable

even a triteness like ‘window’ might be pressed to open

a sky of fierce color & wandering shapes

where the woman who might have already become me is traveling

notes from the understory (level x8)

such that this mirroring effect isn’t only a BART window

in the tunnel when I ride to SF it’s the material of world

that ontologists say has “a withdrawn core

inaccessible even to the material itself”

any word I’ve over–used was once my ally but am I being more true

to its nature if I’ve made it inexplicable from over–use as such

the “I” that I speak from I bury her

in loaded guns lost teeth decapitated dolls’ eyes

which I pretend to watch

as if they were my eyes in BART’s mirror