Heir Apparent

Issue #49 April 2020

At the Races | Will Stanier

in my periphery, no one is a stranger.

a spat of ghosts laughing out loud.

in a past life I was a clown;

I keep a red nose in my pocket

that I can don in a pinch.

anybody walks in here

and orders a macchiato, for instance.

hats and faces,

faces making kissy–faces,


putting goose–flesh on my arms.

I’m hungry.

worms munch until they’re liable of silk.

I’m heartbroken like a hobby horse

without its track suit.

it’s old news.

it’s a crying shame, like eating walnuts

in the morning.

Spanish Days

the virtual bartenders around here

really know their brandy, their Cognac,

and regularly impress the pants off workaday drinkers.

as in, top–of–the–line vanishing tricks

pre–ordered from Ireland, plus certain acres

of musty emerald pasture that’re exactly

what your head smells like.

only fancy people receive mail on Sundays:

packages delivered by postal workers

wearing updated pith helmets,

causing them to resemble the 14th Duke of Mandas.

for six months, the 14th Duke of Mandas was out hunting on safari.

the Duke of Mandas, like all true Spaniards,

despised the taste of Cognac.