I happen to believe that the next great event
on God’s calendar of events is the show
in February. I am opening for Hullabaloo.
Who needs boyfriends?
I got Christopher Columbus, Benjamin
Franklin, John Adams, Abraham
Lincoln. I got the toll free
number. Jesus! I got beautiful
saxophone music of the finest gospel
saxophonist in the world.
Why did you just show me that SKA dance?
In response to president
Reagan’s very warm
and meaningful visit
I wore my long
black shirt with the short black
skirt today.
Gay church
is something
we can keep
between us
like red China
like my scarf
a totally tangible
faith partner
telling me I don’t look
fat in a bathing suit
under dressing
room lights.
I’m surprised J hasn’t told
anyone the first flag placed
on the moon
was stars and stripes
because J believes
in love, not the hammer
and sickle. So does Fink.
So does this Christian
congressman I love so much
I want to lick
his picture
a thousand times.
A lot of folks say
what in the world has happened
to young people? I stole
a man’s Ford and backed over
his son’s bike.
I wore a little plaid dress
and got caught kissing
my hand on mom’s sofa.
Much of the darkness
that permeates our schools
today is a direct result
of using the word hope
in a careless way.
Like if I take the letters
of the alphabet and cut them
to pieces and throw them
into the air
would they just
become the 23rd Psalm?
After I passed my road test
I sat in the Walmart parking lot
eating honey mustard
chicken tenders. I was still wearing
plaid but added a wallet
chain thinking it could be
the symbol of a movement.
Let the whole world know that
this is a bumper
sticker. You peel off
the back and it goes right
on the bumper
of your automobile and there
are two school books
and an apple on top
of the books
and it says: kids
need to pray.