In Review

Best Books of 2014
C. D. Wright

This is a list of ten, unranked, just goodoldalphabetical. It reflects a book or
two I came across in reading for a contest, a few books sent to me,
a couple of poets I resolutely read. There are so many good books published
in a year; so many I can’t abide, sometimes on principle, sometimes
on very personalized aesthetic grounds. I can only say, I’m glad this
one did not slip past me, because ohmygod the cracks are huge,
jagged, arbitrary, and easily got around by moving in the sameoldsameold direction.

—C. D. Wright

Seasonal Works With Words on Fire

Brenda Hillman. Seasonal Works With Words on Fire. Wesleyan University Press.

Picasso’s Tears

Wong May. Picasso’s Tears: Poems 1978–2013. Octopus Books.

The Feel Trio

Fred Moten. The Feel Trio. Letter Machine Editions.

Memorial: a Version of Homer’s Iliad

Alice Oswald. Memorial: a Version of Homer’s Iliad. Faber & Faber.

(a couple years older but recent read)


Beowulf: A new translation by Meghan Purvis. Penned in the Margins.

American Barricade

Danniel Schoonebeek. American Barricade. YesYes Books.

My God Is This A Man My God Is This A Man My God Is This A Man

Laura Sims. My God Is This A Man My God Is This A Man My God Is This A Man. Fence Books.

Compass Rose

Arthur Sze. Compass Rose. Copper Canyon Press.

An Invitation for Me to Think

Alexander Vvedensky. An Invitation for Me to Think. Eugene Ostashevsky and Matvei Yanklelevich, trans. NYRB.

Debts and Lessons

Lynn Xu. Debts and Lessons. Omnidawn.