In Review

Best Books of 2014
Janice Lee


Douglas Kearney. Patter. Ren Hen Press.


Etel Adnan. Premonition. Kelsey Street Press.

The Feel Trio

Fred Moten. The Feel Trio. Letter Machine Editions.

Wild Grass on the Riverbank
Rain of the Future

Valerie Mejer. Rain of the Future. Action Books.

Wallless Space

Ernst Meister. Wallless Space. Graham Foust and Samuel Frederick, trans. Wave Books.

Dead Youth, or, the Leaks

Joyelle McSweeney. Dead Youth, or, the Leaks. Litmus Press.

To Keep Time

Joseph Massey. To Keep Time. Omnidawn.

The Ants

Sawako Nakayasu. The Ants. Les Figues Press.

After Cave

Michelle Detorie. After Cave. Ahsahta Press.