Favorites of 2014, in no particular order:
Keith Waldrop. The Not Forever. Omnidawn.
Pattie McCarthy. Nulls. Horse Less Press.
David Buuck and Juliana Spahr. An Army of Lovers. City Lights.
Renee Gladman. Ana Patova Crosses a Bridge. Dorothy, A Publishing Project.
Carla Harryman. W—/M—. SplitLevel Books.
Virginie Lalucq and Jean-Luc Nancy. Fortino Sámano. Sylvian Gallais & Cynthia Hogue, trans. Omnidawn.
Lisa Robertson. Cinema of the Present. Coach House Books.
Harryette Mullen. Urban Tumbleweed: Notes from a Tanka Diary. Graywolf.
Bernadette Mayer. Sonnets, (25th anniversary edition, with new material added). Tender Buttons Press.
Claudia Rankine. Citizen. Graywolf.
Lisa Jarnot. A Princess Magic Presto Spell. Solid Objects.
Dana Ward. The Crisis of Infinite Worlds. Futurepoem.
Bernadette Mayer. Uncle Andrew’s Pile of Pads. Coconut Books.