In Review

Best Books of 2014
Laynie Browne

Favorites of 2014, in no particular order:

The Not Forever

Keith Waldrop. The Not Forever. Omnidawn.


Pattie McCarthy. Nulls. Horse Less Press.

An Army of Lovers

David Buuck and Juliana Spahr. An Army of Lovers. City Lights.

Ana Patova Crosses a Bridge

Renee Gladman. Ana Patova Crosses a Bridge. Dorothy, A Publishing Project.


Carla Harryman. W—/M—. SplitLevel Books.

Fortino Sámano

Virginie Lalucq and Jean-Luc Nancy. Fortino Sámano. Sylvian Gallais & Cynthia Hogue, trans. Omnidawn.

Cinema of the Present

Lisa Robertson. Cinema of the Present. Coach House Books.

Urban Tumbleweed: Notes from a Tanka Diary

Harryette Mullen. Urban Tumbleweed: Notes from a Tanka Diary. Graywolf.


Bernadette Mayer. Sonnets, (25th anniversary edition, with new material added). Tender Buttons Press.


Claudia Rankine. Citizen. Graywolf.

A Princess Magic Presto Spell

Lisa Jarnot. A Princess Magic Presto Spell. Solid Objects.

The Crisis of Infinite Worlds

Dana Ward. The Crisis of Infinite Worlds. Futurepoem.

Uncle Andrew’s Pile of Pads

Bernadette Mayer. Uncle Andrew’s Pile of Pads. Coconut Books.