In Review

Books of 2015
Joshua Marie Wilkinson


Hannah Brooks-Motl. M. The Song Cave.

Tells of the Crackling

Hoa Nguyen. Tells of the Crackling. Ugly Duckling Presse.

Aim At The Centaur Stealing Your Wife

Jennifer Nelson. Aim At The Centaur Stealing Your Wife. Ugly Duckling Presse.

Time Down To Mind

Graham Foust. Time Down To Mind. Flood Editions.

The Division of Labor

Dot Devota. The Division of Labor. Rescue Press.

Every Day But Tuesday

Barbara Claire Freeman. Every Day But Tuesday. Omnidawn.

Dark Green

Emily Hunt. Dark Green. The Song Cave.

Ban en Banlieu

Bhanu Kapil. Ban en Banlieue. Nightboat Books.

Life in a Box is a Pretty Life

Dawn Lundy Martin. Life in a Box is a Pretty Life. Nightboat Books.

The Little Edges

Fred Moten. The Little Edges. Wesleyan University Press.

I Must Be Living Twice

Eileen Myles. I Must Be Living Twice. Harper Collins.

The Lost Novel

James Shea. The Lost Novel. Fence Books.

She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks

M. NourbeSe Philip. She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks. Wesleyan University Press.

Alive: New and Selected Poems

Elizabeth Willis. Alive: New and Selected Poems. New York Review Books.

Stars Seen in Person: Selected Journals

John Wieners. Stars Seen in Person: Selected Journals. City Lights.