Tremolo: Bio
image of Sasha Steensen

Sasha Steensen is the author of A Magic Book and The Method (both from Fence Books), correspondence (with Gordon Hadfield, Handwritten Press), The Future of an Illusion (Dos Press), A History of the Human Family (Flying Guillotine), and Waters: A Lenten Poem (Free Poetry). House of Deer will be published by Fence Books in 2014. Her poems and essays have appeared in numerous journals, including Denver Quarterly, Boston Review and Black Warrior Review. She edits Bonfire Press, a small press located within the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University. Bonfire publishes poetry chapbooks and broadsides using a Vandercook SP15 letterpress, type, and photopolymer plates. She also serves as a poetry editor for Colorado Review. She teaches Creative Writing at Colorado State University.