They Will Sew The Blue Sail: Bio
image of Kimberly Marie Lojek

With Baby Kitty and Iowa Kitty, Kimberly M. Lojek has divided her time between Chicago and Iowa, between writing, teaching, and architecture. She is the recipient of fellowships from the Poetry Foundation and Newberry Library, as well as an art endowment from Poet Sterling Plumpp. Poems have appeared in Shampoo, Left Facing Bird, The New Anon, Denver Quarterly, ACM and have been finalists for the Greg Grummer Awards, Black Warrior Review Awards, James Wright Award, Tupelo Snowbound, Dorset, etc. She makes artist books sometimes (Destroyed Room Editions). Formerly, she served as Poetry Editor for the Iowa Review and Blue Sky, and the U.S. Army as a Medic.