They Will Sew The Blue Sail: Bio
image of Saretta Morgan

As a writer and artist, Saretta Morgan’s current work uses text, etching, sculpture, and video to engage ecology, Black diaspora, and migration in the US Southwest. She is based between Phoenix and Mohave Valley, AZ, where she teaches creative writing at Arizona State University and is an active member of the grassroots humanitarian aid organization No More Deaths Phoenix, which supports the safe passage of migrants in the US-Mexico borderlands. Saretta is author of the chapbooks Feeling Upon Arrival (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2018) and room for a counter interior (Portable Press @ Yo-Yo Labs, 2017). She has received support from the Jerome Foundation, Arizona Commission on the Arts, Headlands Center for the Arts, the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics, Virginia Piper Foundation, and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, among others. Recent work can be found at Triple Canopy, The Colorado Review, and Academy of American Poets.