They Will Sew the Blue Sail

I only thought of the farm | Lisa Ciccarello

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I only thought of the farm

There was nothing I knew but the farm but my brother gone & my father in the field & my sister in the house.

Nothing I knew but we went out into the field & we came home to eat & we went into the mountains after the goats & we came home to eat & we went out to dig a ditch & we came home & ate.

There was nothing I knew but the farm & I did not go out into the town but went out into the mountain & I did not go out into the army but went out into the field & all day I held the spade & the scythe & all day I held the axe & the bag.

& we went into the mountains with the bag & the knife & we went into the field with the axe & the spade.

I only thought of the farm of owning the farm I only thought with my brother gone I could own his half with my father gone I could have it all & my sister to cook & my sister to run the house & the land only mine & the land had a lake & we could neither of us swim.

& we went out into the mountains with the axe & we came back & ate & we went out into the field with the scythe & we came back to the house & we went out together in the morning & we came home together in the evening & I thought of the farm & we went into the ditch with the spade & we came back to the house & we went into the ditch with the spade & I came back to the house & my sister to cook & my sister to ask.

& ask again & my uncle out in the field with the spade & my uncle out in the ditch with the spade & I went into the lake & thought about the farm & I went into the lake & made my will & all of the farm to my brother & my sister in the house & my father in the ditch of his fields & the goats up in the mountain struggling with the grass.