They Will Sew the Blue Sail

Ode on Distortion | Cedar Sigo

(Welcome everything in)

Using both cursive and print in the same

paragraph or voluminous examples of

“cross-writing” during civil war when

paper turns scarce. When the words do

not resolve but clank and die next to

each other. Arbitrary actions leveled at

flagstones in architecture, resetting our

margins after the poem has already been

typed into “emotional” paragraphs. A

hovering form of distortion. That we die

and only the recordings will go on

existing. Who filled my head with such

dark and exceedingly separate stars?

Ghosts I lifted along the turns of

wandered roads, ahead of the game,

behind the times. We regret our early

books for their lack of innate distortion,

a dead yellow breeze onto the gold coin

floor show (molten lights). When he

faints from terror she busies herself. A

crinkling irritation, violin electric black.

A writer is a foreign country coated in

ritual dust. I mistrust my neighbor’s

children, all government, they have

come out as a terrible person (in droves)

I welcome you into the sound of

repeating our demands, as distillate,

archive, plumes of coal smoke, simply

the time it takes for the bank to form

above us. “Living goes on

to resemble its cure.” And setting that

against John’s line “Sexual facts are

tiring too... I dreamt Christopher Smart

as the escaped lunatic hero who begins

to detain fascist after fascist through

force, shadows of iron lace, Saint

Peters’ St. & Royal for the final chase.

For I will consider my sonnets

unconnected, titled and dull forever

after this, fluttering after full of worry, I

will keep blowing out this brutalist

stricture in music, demanding a

dynamic in language that mirrors the

mind is insanity, a common distortion.

Where there is no actual clash and

surrender, it’s every day and still has a

sprung enclosure effect. Orange and

Black Wall falls over two pages. I make

endless destroyed works as they will

become the best poetry, exquisite, half

forgotten, a torn tissue, four to eight

specks of unequal green.