They Will Sew the Blue Sail


All winter our house was warm and deaf.

I could just see the few white flowers

outside the window. A true happiness occurred.

Don’t stand there now asking to be loved.

We could feel the thawing in the river,

low and guilty. I was still learning her particularity,

all the beautiful colors in her face, even as my arms

loosened dreamlike from around her.

It all happened as my premonition told me it would.

I loved her, but I’m not sure she loved me back.

I know that many times I misspent

her hope: it was flowering, and it was finite.

Then again, maybe I’ll want a young wife

in my old age. A bad man is the sort of man

who admires innocence. It’s a theme that breaks her heart,

but not the one that’s particularly unbearable.

I could touch her at any time. All the while

she was thinking of the work she wanted to do, despite

her absolute, unreasoning devotion to me. How life surprises you.

I had never been here before and yet I thought I understood it all.

What happens to old love, tell me if you know.