They Will Sew the Blue Sail

Homeric Philosophies | Dan Beachy–Quick

By thistle–light the bedroom glows.

A thought of home inside the bone.

Ocean cave of open mouth.

Love herself rides a horse through the ocean.

Wisdom lays down in bed to read

An epic poem shooting arrows at waves.

This thistle is the phosphorous ideal:

Erotic hum of the mind’s silent um,

Rough breath that is the letter H

The ancient grammars occasionally deny.

For centuries grammar denies Love herself

Rides her horse across the ocean.

Wisdom sleeps in a cave and dreams

There is a poem yet to be written named Home.

The healer is searching for a wound.

The sea the sea. The bone the bone.

Both are inside me when I read the words.

The book lends my life from the library

Or my life is the book on loan.