They Will Sew the Blue Sail

Out There Now | Anastacia–Renee

so far our time in yesterday            is a hazy glass of bourbon    iced between vinyasa

& unfiltered photos                         joyously nostalgic      so far we have asked siri & she

said there is an(other) side             & a next week            & next year all of us choosing to

live after we've been physical distancing

                                     not to                                           die

the ways we each self-care              & decide who we'll check in on   make us  prolific

& ugly & beautiful to the touch—oh civilians what we    couldn't learn from each animal

(out there now)        helping each other with the very nettles of each nest    oh bee's

                                                       oh black cats

                                                       & birds humming & tattered

oh flocks of robins

oh trashy angels

                                                                                                              oh homeless clouds

here we are    in the  sand dunes of our dystopia

in the sprawls of our


                                                   molecules      in the dens                       of our futures

corrugated              flesh