They Will Sew the Blue Sail

Wasted | Marthe Reed

Wasted / neoabietic acid, 7-oxydihydroabietic acid / napthalene & other polycyclic aromatic / agricultural nitrogen / agricultural phosphorus / adsorbable organohalogens, polyethylene glycol / ethyl acetate, clycol esters, tetrachloroethene // try-,and tetrachloroguaiacols / di-, tri, tetra-, and pentrachlorophenals / chlorine, metal-complexing agents / acetovanillone, 1, 1, 3-trichloroactone / 3 chloro-4-(dichloromythyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5HO furonone (MX) / polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins // wasted // coal, pet coke, copper, lead // run-off: nickel, zinc, cadmium, nitrates, phosphorus / coprostanol / fecal coliform (sewage), caffeine / alphaphenolethoxalates / ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid // Linear alkylbenzensulfonate / ammonia, 17B-estradiol / 1, 3, 5- trimethyl-2, 4, 6-trizininetrione /