Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Andrés Ajens

Andrés Ajens is a Chilean poet, essayist, translator and literary activist born in 1961. Among his books of poems and hybrid essays are Conmemoración de inciertas fechas y otro poema (1992), La última carta de Rimbaud (1995), Más íntimas mistura (1998), and O Entrevero (2008). His latest book is Æ (Santiago: Das Kapital Ediciones, 2015).  He co-directs and edits for Intemperie Ediciones and is a co-director with the late Emma Villazón of the international South American journal Mar con Soroche. His work in poetry and essay touches on indigenous writing and languages, the history of literature in the West, poststructuralist philosophy, and linguistics, and uses formal elements both traditional and postmodern. In English translation, he has published quase flanders, quase extramadura, trans. from Spanish by Erín Moure of poems from Más íntimas mistura. (Cambridge, UK: CCCP, 2001; Victoria, BC Canada: La Mano Izquierda, 2008). His essays appear in English as Poetry After the Invention of America: Don’t Light the Flower, Michelle Gil-Montero, trans. (NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011). His work has also been translated into French and has appeared in both France and Quebec, and in Spanish has been published in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and other South American countries.