Evening Will Come

Issue 58 | October 2015

The Art of Losing

Introduction by Johanna Skibsrud & John Melillo

Sam Ace | Four Poems

Andrés Ajens & Erín Moure | poematriz en 3 papáginas y un(a) aparte | wombpoem in 3 papages and one a-part

Charles Babbage | Ninth Bridgewater Treatise

Gelsey Bell | Two Songs

Caroline Bergvall | from “Log” in Drift | Hafville

The Central America Engulfed in the Ocean

Famous Lost Manuscripts

Annie Guthrie | (The Writing Beside)

Krysta Jabczenski | Four Photographs

Bonnie Jones | And if I live a thousand lives I hope to remember one

John Malcolm | Lines on the Loss of a Ship

Jessica Moore | The planets pass

A. F. Moritz | Thoughts on Poetry and Loss | Two Poems

Tenney Nathanson | sec.UR.IT.y you wouldn’t share your toothbrush . . . don’t share your PASSWORD! YOU ARE IT!

John Niekrasz | 20ème 10/14

Susan Paddon | The Flood, July 2007

from Plato’s The Republic

The Cruel Seas Remember Took Him in November – Poesy Ring – 1592

Reed Evan Rosenberg | the ways one gets lost

Lytle Shaw | The Nelson Man o’Bar

Brandon Shimoda | White Martyr, White Dwarf

Ada Smailbegović | from Some Disordered Interior Geometries

Paul Vermeersch | Three Poems

Rachael M. Wilson | This Can Teach You Nothing: On Losing in Emerson and Maggie Nelson

Sheilah Wilson | The Invisible Inside the Visible

Success in War