Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Annie Guthrie

Photo by Cybele Knowles.

Annie Guthrie is a writer from Tucson. Her book, The Good Dark, is forthcoming with Tupelo Press. She teaches creative writing courses in “Oracular Writing” at the University of Arizona Poetry Center and offers apprenticeships in project and manuscript consultation through www.annieguthrie.net. She has work published in several journals including 1913, A Journal of Forms; Cutbank; Drunken Boat; Fairy Tale Review; Many Mountains Moving; Omniverse; H_NGM_N; Ploughshares; Tarpaulin Sky, and more. She has received several awards including an Academy of American Poets Prize, an Arizona Commission on the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, and TPAC Individual Artist Grant. Guthrie is also a jeweler. She published a book on the craft of jewelry making, Instant Gratification with Chronicle Books and has a studio at the Splinter Brothers Warehouse.