Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Duriel E. Harris

Duriel E. Harris is the author of two print collections, Drag (Elixir Press, 2003) and Amnesiac: Poems (Sheep Meadow Press, 2010), and a sound compilation “Black Magic” (forthcoming from Asian Improv Records). A poet, performer, sound artist, and scholar, Harris is co-founder of the Black Took Collective and a regular performer with Douglas R. Ewart’s creative music ensembles. Editor of Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora, Harris has been awarded grants from the Cave Canem Foundation, the Illinois Arts Council, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. With Scott Rankin, she is co-author of the poetry video Speleology (2011), a jury selection of the 2011 International Literary Film Festival, the 2012 Zebra Poetry Film Festival (Berlin), and the 2012 Visible Verse Festival (Vancouver). Recent writing appears in cream city review, Fifth Wednesday, BAX (Best American Experimental Writing), The Force of What’s Possible, and The &Now Awards 3. Harris’s one act solo play with music, Thingification, made its New York City workshop debut off off Broadway at The Wild Project for the 11th Annual Fresh Fruit Festival in 2013. Selections from Thingification have been featured in performance at Kwara State University (Nigeria), the University of Ghana-Legon (Accra), Babylon Cinema (Berlin), the MCA (Chicago), The Blue Note (Poznan), and The Luggage Store Gallery (San Francisco). A Millay Colony, MacDowell Colony, and Pan African Literary Forum fellow, Harris is an associate professor of English at Illinois State University where she teaches creative writing, literature, and poetics. (www.thingification.org).