Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Gelsey Bell

Photo by Reuben Radding.

Gelsey Bell is a singer, songwriter, and scholar. Described by the New York Times as a “brandy-voiced” “winning soprano” whose performance of her own music is “virtuosic” and “glorious noise,” she performs regularly as an experimental vocalist, culling from a wide range of techniques and styles to create her own performance works. She has released multiple albums and her work has been presented internationally. She is a core member of thingNY and Varispeed, and she has worked with numerous performance creators including Robert Ashley, Matthew Barney and Jonathan Bepler, Ne(x)tworks, Kimberly Bartosik, Yasuko Yokoshi, Dave Malloy, Rachel Chavkin, Gregory Whitehead, John King, Chris Cochrane and Fast Forward (as the Chutneys), Miguel Frasconi, Cleek Schrey, Kate Soper, and Rick Burkhardt, among others. Gelsey also has a PhD from New York University in Performance Studies, and is the Critical Acts Co-editor for TDR/The Drama Review and the Reviews Editor for The Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies. Her website is www.gelseybell.com.