Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Gretchen E. Henderson

Gretchen E. Henderson is a writer working at the intersection of literature, art history, museum studies, disability studies, and music. Her books include The House Enters the Street (Starcherone Books, 2012), Galerie de Difformité (&NOW Books, 2011), On Marvellous Things Heard (Green Lantern Press, 2011), and Wreckage: By Land & By Sea (Dancing Girl Press, 2011). Her writings range across genres and have appeared in a variety of journals, including The Kenyon Review, The Iowa Review, Ploughshares, Black Warrior ReviewDenver Quarterly, Performance Research, and The &NOW Awards. Gretchen also is a scholar of literature and art history, teaches across disciplines, and collaborates with artists. Her opera libretto, Cassandra in the Temples, composed by Elena Ruehr, is being performed in Fall 2014 at MIT.