Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Helen Hajnoczky

Helen Hajnoczky is the author of Poets and Killers: A Life in Advertising (Snare-Invisible Publishing, 2010), and the forthcoming book Magyarázni (final title tba, Coach House Books, spring 2016). Her poetry has appeared in the magazines Dreamland, filling Station, Lemonhound, Matrix, NewPoetry. NōD, Poetry Is Dead, Rampike, Speechless, and The Capilano Review, as well as in a variety of chapbooks. Helen’s work can also be found in the anthologies Why Poetry Sucks (Insomniac Press, 2014) and Ground Rules: the best of the second decade of above/ground press, 2003-2013 (Chaudiere Books, 2013). She blogs (ateacozyisasometimes.blogspot.ca) and tweets (@helenhajnoczky).