Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Samuel Ace

Samuel Ace is the author of three collections of poetry: Normal Sex, Home In Three Days, Don’t Wash., and most recently Stealth, with poet Maureen Seaton. He is a recipient of a New York Foundation for the Arts grant, two-time finalist for a Lambda Literary Award in Poetry, winner of the Astraea Lesbian Writer’s Fund Prize in Poetry, The Katherine Anne Porter Prize for Fiction, the Firecracker Alternative Book Award in poetry. He was also a recent finalist for the National Poetry Series. His work has been widely anthologized and has appeared in or is forthcoming from Fence, Plume, Aufgabe, The Atlas Review, Black Clock, Mandorla, Volt, Rhino, 3:am, Versal, Trickhouse, The Collagist, Eleven Eleven, Tupelo Quarterly, and Troubling the LIne: Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics. Disobedience a chunky angle and We have heavy heads began with questions from j/j hastain.