Evening Will Come: Bio
image of Tenney Nathanson

Tenney Nathanson is the author of Ghost Snow Falls through the Void (Globalization) (Chax Press, 2010), Erased Art (Chax Press, 2005), and Home on the Range (The Night Sky with Stars in My Mouth) (O Books, 2005), as well as the critical study Whitman’s Presence: Body, Voice, and Writing in Leaves of Grass (NYU, 1992). Current poetry projects include Ghost Snow 2 (Unwinding), The Waste Land by Tenney Nathanson, and Normal Distribution; a collection of critical essays on contemporary poetry is forthcoming from Chax. Tenney’s recent critical work focuses on contemporary American poetry, sometimes in relation to the American Zen tradition. His essay “‘The birds swim through the air at top speed’: Kinetic Identification in Keats, Whitman, Stevens, and Dickinson (Notes toward a Poetics)” is forthcoming in Critical Inquiry. Along with Charles Alexander, Tenney is a founding director of the poetry collective POG, which has been doing public programming in Tucson for some twenty years. He’s also the founding Resident Teacher for Desert Rain Zen, a koan-based Zen group in the Open Source tradition. Tenney is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies for the Department of English at the University of Arizona in Tucson, where he lives with his family.