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Issue 17 | May 2012

                           An Homage to Stacy Doris 1962-2012
                                Guest Editor: Laynie Browne
                    Stacy Doris
                                           Photo © Isabelle Levy-Lehmann (July 17, 1997).
                                           May not be reproduced without permission of photographer.

For Stacy, beloved friend, brilliant poet, translator, and teacher.
For everyone who loves Stacy, and to future readers of her work.
And especially for Chet Weiner, and Stacy and Chet’s children Rayzl and Laish Gedalya.

For a comprehensive biography please visit the Electronic Poetry Center here.

Susan Bee Susan Bee
| For Stacy: Emily Bronte.
Laynie Browne Laynie Browne | “Air Furs Contact”
Maxine Chernoff Maxine Chernoff | “Love Letter: Lament”
Norma Cole Norma Cole | Subject: Xpress
Anne Portugal Caroline Dubois & Anne Portugal | Faucons en grève
Robert Fitterman Robert Fitterman | NOT NOTES
Kevin Killian Kevin Killian | Memories of Stacy Doris
Ann Lauterbach Ann Lauterbach | Stacy Doris : A Little Memoir
Kris Leja Kristine Leja | Stacy Doris as Teacher
Andrew Levy Andrew Levy | The First Time I Met Stacy
Laura Mullen Laura Mullen | “All the Time in the World”: Some Postcards
Melanie Neilson Melanie Neilson | Bird Coming Through A Super Doorway
Jena Osman Jena Osman | Taking the Dare of Kildare
Nick Piombino Nick Piombino | From the blog fait accompli
Kim Rosenfield Kim Rosenfield | Stacy Doris: An Osmothèque
James Sherry James Sherry | Written on a Subway Stalled under the East River
Toni Simon Toni Simon | Machine for Talking to the Dead—for Stacy
Cole Swensen Cole Swensen | Stacy at Home
Nicole A. Zdeb Nicole A. Zdeb | It Only Takes One

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