Papaless Paperless
I want to live in a papaless paperless palace, but a small stinky sac will do for now. In my halo, I wave hello to bankers and Wall Street fuckers. Irate, I will narrate.
Definite indefinite, derivatives inderivatives, Fannie inFannie—I stay inarticulate in transaction about the essential articles of English grammar. It is true that the mirror inmirror on the wall is parent to all. Lice eggs duplicate induplicate popping like popcorn, the super-excellence of American products. I just got a call that I’ll be moved to a hotel.
“At any rate, you have one (or several)… “ is from Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, trans. Brian Massumi (Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota press, 1987).
“the super-excellence of American products” is from To Have Done with the Judgment of God (1947) by Antonin Artaud, trans. Ted Byrne.