we are knocked back but students have it worse, their debt, they take blows in a line on the earth. You cannot be sure you won’t fight back until your friends are in danger. The cops have put hitting behind that feeling.
Had i been able to stop the officer’s nightstick by grabbing it i would have, but i’m not stupid—a smallish grandmother vs. them & i did not believe grabbing their sticks would work out. Don’t hit, i was telling the baby earlier. There are
many theories about violence but when people rise up, it is mostly
unplanned. Use your heads, we shout naively at the cops. We won’t be
a better person until schools are free
but the nightstick cannot poke our soul, oh no, that nightstick cannot poke the soul. More students are beaten, we cannot stop it, we are close enough to see our feelers in their badges & the numbers, a bit of bronze & silver in our compound eyes.