Adjunct of multimillion dollar contracts, my soldier appears within an apparatus of control pornography, prosthetic of police where the visible and the invisible, funded and defunded, normal and pathological, public and private, militant and military, impersonal and intimate are produced, delimited, and reinforced. But porn is so ambivalent, it can always go both ways. Without denoting an essential quality of the image, porn connotes a whole technology for governing the tension between eros and identity, life and death. Porn brings to light, permits and publicizes, just as it darkens, prohibits and privatizes. Check out all the closed and repetitive codes privileging male pleasure ensuring hierarchies and machines of domination. Like the military, pornography is a biopolitical operation for regulating the social body and all the particular bodies that comprise it, admitting some, canceling others. Under such regimes, common sense itself becomes a kind of pornography expropriation of my most intimate relations just as pornography becomes a kind of common sense everything bearing visible value, everything erasing the relations that produce it. So one must speak in the pornographic even as one speaks against it, or rather against the ends to which it’s been yoked to overturn common sense from within common sense itself and this informs my poems’ frustrated and obsessive arousal.