Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics (Issue 32, August 2013—Women Looking at Vispo Issue)

Crystal Curry

Rea Nikonova
Architectural Treatment


Under the train in the mazarine light

I regret to inform you people

I have disparaged all you people

I walked my child indignant to the teen summer

Reading club at the library

My feet marchers

My head a burning flag

My anus-liver pain

My neck fever


While you were in the reading club

I dreamed I chased you through a maze

There were continents and oxygen

You had arms

Everyone was bowing under a boot

Or wore the boot

We slipped on all the tears

Avoided eye contact with everyone

I caught you in a field I said

Neither a corporatist nor a clitoridectomist be


Under the train in the margarine light

I regret to inform you people

I am disparaging all you people

I am walking my child indignant home from

The teen summer reading club at the library

My feet marchers

My head a burning flag

My anus-liver pain

My neck fever