Evening Will Come

Issue 32 | August 2013

Women Looking at Vispo

image of Nico Vassilakis

Nico Vassilakis | WOMEN LOOK AT VISPO: Responding to The Last Vispo Anthology — an Introduction

image of Mary Burger

Mary Burger | Lookread
On The Last Vispo Anthology

image of Janice Lee

Janice Lee | Response to “THE LAST VISPO: toward vispoetics” by Nico Vassilakis

image of Kate Greenstreet

Kate Greenstreet | everything by hand

image of Amaranth Borsuk

Amaranth Borsuk | “A Single Hurt Color”: K. S. Ernst’s Arrangements

image of Katie Yates

Katie Yates | On ‘Open Up and Bleed: for James Osterberg Jr.’ by Maria Damon

image of Sharon Mesmer

Sharon Mesmer | On Maria Damon’s Open Up and Bleed

image of Deborah Poe

Deborah Poe | “i wait to write the town”: The spatial language of Eva O. Ettel’s Waterford

image of Rosaire Appel

Rosaire Appel | (re: here’s #172 and #173 / Robert Grenier.)

image of Melanie Noel

Melanie Noel | After Judith Copithorne’s The Letter O

image of Colleen Lookingbill

Colleen Lookingbill | Remapping the Mind

image of Kristin Prevallet

Kristin Prevallet | As response to W. Mark Sutherland’s Negative Thoughts

image of Crystal Curry

Crystal Curry | OPERANDI

image of Donna Stonecipher

Donna Stonecipher | Untitled

image of Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith | An Anthropology of “Holding”